Danchen Xu researches inclusive development, equitable urbanization, and human mobility & security with attention to multidisciplinary approaches in understanding developmental challenges. Her current research focuses on domestic migration in the context of citizenship building, power distribution, and conflict resolution in sub-Sahara urban settings. She has previously researched police training and reform in Nigeria, remittances mechanism by Chinese migrant workers in sub-Saharan Africa, and Sino-Africa relationship in the context of migration, gender, race, and capitalism. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Danchen worked in public health and philanthropy to research and promote equitable vaccine access and sustainable economic recovery in marginalized communities. She also has professional experience in civic engagement, housing security, and policy advising. Danchen received her B.A. in International Relations and Political Science from Boston University and M.A. in Conflict Resolution with a graduate certificate in African Studies at Georgetown University. She is from Zhengzhou, China.