Mobility & Production

Shifting supply and labour chains are reshaping the meaning of work, home, family, and future.


Shifting supply and labour chains are reshaping the meaning of work, home, family, and future. Unpredictability, precarity and exploitation are paired with opportunities for advancement, social reconstruction, and recognition. Informal and formal regulation of production engenders dynamics social forms, imagination, and possibility.


Mobility, Temporality, and Africa’s Future Politics.

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Economic Integration and Inclusive Migration Policies in the SADC Region

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‘Visibilising Suffering or Stealth Humanitarianism: The Perils of Promoting Durable Protection in Cities of the South’ - 2020

W. Kihato and L.B. Landau, ‘Visibilising Suffering or Stealth Humanitarianism: The Perils of Promoting Durable Protection in Cities of the South,’ 2020. In S. Pasquetti and R. Sanyal (Editors), Displacement: Global Conversations on Refuge. Manchester: Manchester University Press: 193-209.

‘A Drop in the Ocean: Labour Market Effects of South Africa’s Special Dispensation for Southern African Migrants’ - 2020

Bule and L.B. Landau. 2020. A Drop in the Ocean: Labour Market Effects of South Africa’s Special Dispensation for Southern African Migrants. Report for the International Labour Organisation and the South African Department of Labour.

‘The Informalisation of Migration Governance across Africa’s Urban Archipelagos’ - 2020

B. Landau and C.W. Kihato. ‘The Informalisation of Migration Governance across Africa’s Urban Archipelagos,’ 2020. In T. Bastia and R. Skeldon (Editors), Routledge Handbook on Migration & Development. London: Routledge.

‘The Future of Mobility and Migration Within and From Sub-Saharan Africa' - 2019

B. Landau and C.W. Kihato. 2019. The Future of Mobility and Migration Within and From Sub-Saharan Africa,’ Foresight Reflection Paper. Brussels: European Policy Analysis and Strategy System.